Private Investigators


Our actions extend to diverse fields to do with Private Investigations to do with offering information, assesment and proof about the usage of informatic equipment and network activity. The planning of strategies in the matter of technological security and control is part of the work of our Private Investigator Firm.

Investigation Services for Technological Areas

  • Forensical analysis of IT equipment
  • Electronic sweeps
  • Social Networks
  • Anonymous mails
  • Instalation of hidden cameras and surveilance equipment
  • Investigation of network activities
  • Verification of online publications

Areas of action for Technology

Forensical analysis of IT equipment: If the rules of the company exclude personal use of the computer and mobile phone provided to the employee, the use of those stops being of a personal character and thus the control of those doesn't constitute violation of privacy. Said control may be in the form of data, mail and document recovery from those generated in the computer or mobile phone, even if they have been erased. The TSJC, date December 16, 2016, appeal 6194/2016, considered firing the employee as wrongful termination because the company hadn't prohibited the use of these devices for personal use in a deliberate manner.

Electronic sweeps: Consist of a series of secuirity measures that are done in order to locate espionage equipment that may be transmiting audio and/or video to a receiver without our consent.

How to act when we are suspicious about there being a hidden microphone, hidden camera or our camera being bugged? First thing to do is contact a professional always outside the zone in which we believe we may be being recorded and using a phone that is not of common use (one from a friend or family member) but never one from our same company, and never contact through email. At our Private Investigator Firm we propose a comprehensive service that consists of the following verifications: Search of emitters and receivers for bugs and hidden cameras, analisis of the power line and phone line. This job must be carried out with high discretion, since we can't outright dismiss any person. The verifications will be carried out after the workday and when no one remains in the zone that must be analized.

Social Networks: Digital certifications of any contet published on Social Networks or any web page and the sending or receiving of emails. This service may also be of use in case someon is publishing threats, insults or slanders about us on Social Networks or via email. We can also prove plagiarism of digital content protected by intelectual propierty, for example if content on our web page is stolen.

Anonymous mails: An increasingly common practice is that of sending anonimous emails thinking these cannot be traced. All communication leaves a digital trace that can be followed to its source. Other methods to discover the author of said mails also exists, such as comparing writting style, ruling out suspects based on highly explicit mail content and other techniques of caligraphic appraisal.

Instalation of hidden cameras and surveilance equipment: The sentence emited by Murcia's STSJ number 3158/2014, appeal 300/2014, dated Novemember 3, 2014, leaves no room for doubt that the instalation of a hidden camera may only be justified when surveying a very grave infraction, that is being carried out on a specific zone (work station, storage, commercial establishment, etc.) and that doesn't invalidate the privacy of people (bathrooms, dressing rooms, residences, etc.). The next 3 cases must be valid: Suitability: measure to achieve the objective, Necessity: there must be no other way of achieving it and Proporcionality: it will bring more benefits than harm. The set up of these devices may only be carried out by Private Investigators and their installation wouldn't recquire contacting the AEPD or hanging a sign notifying of their presence.
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